Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26

What are three things you learned about color theory and web design yesterday? Go in to detail

Yesterday I learned a lot about colors and the scheme of websites. One thing I learned is colors represent emotions and can make people feel a certain way. This is important because websites should be attractive to draw people in. I also learned the reason we use black writing is because it has the least brightness whereas the background of white has the most brightness. Finally I learned about colorblindness. Colorblindness does not mean all colors can't be seen, for most people their are one or two colors that they get confused.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25

What effect can a color scheme have on a website? How can it make a website better? How can it make a website worse? Explain why color is important.

Color scheme can make a website visually pleasing. If a websites colors work really well together that site can flow and will be easy to look at. However, if the sites colors do not look pleasing, people may not want to use that site. Color can also make a website look professional or childish. Colors have been shown to make people feel emotions and if you want your website to portray something the right color should be chosen.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 24

What did you learn about file types as you created and designed your travel website? What are some other kinds of file types you know of? What do these different files do? Explain.

While creating my travel website I learned the difference between a PNG and a PSD file. PSD files are used in photoshop and can be edited whereas PNG files can't be edited and are the final product and these are the files used in the actual website. I have heard of other files including JPG and HTML. I'm unsure of what JPG files are, but I know HTML files create websites and publish them on to the internet. This is all I really know about files.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21

What was your takeaway from this Travel Site? What did you learn that you didn't know before? How will the knowledge of how we built this site help you improve your future websites?

From building this travel website I learned how to incorporate Photoshop pictures into a web site using AP dividers. I now know how to create a website two different ways, using tables and AP dividers. This can help me build more creative sites and use more pictures. It's important to use this new knowledge to make a website fancier and add more pizzazz. The way of using tabs was becoming monotonous and a lot of my sites were beginning to look similar, so by adding the pictures it created a lot more options of what I could do with my future websites.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 18

How can Photoshop be a valuable tool in web design? Explain.

Photoshop is a very valuable tool in web design. In webdesign we need to make fancy title pages and add pictures to our website. Dreamweaver doesn't have many choices when it comes to editing photos or adding word art. It is nice to have Photoshop so I can spice up my website and make it look pleasing. Without Photoshop our websites could all start to look similar.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11

What do you know about Photoshop? Have you used it before? What can it do? Are you an expert? A newbie? Tell me about your background and what you already know.

I know very little about Photoshop. The last time I worked with Photoshop was in seventh grade. I remember how to cut the background out of things and simple things. I think if I went through a review I could pick it up really fast. I would consider myself a newbie. Hopefully I can learn more soon.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7

Think about how a user (me or anyone else using your site) might function and interact with your site. What are some important functional features to make your website easy to work with? How can you make it easier for the user and not frustrating? Explain why this is so important.

A user can function through a website easily if the site doesn't have broken links. The site can be easy to work with if the links change color when rolled over or are a different color. It can make it easier for the user if the links you add open in a different page instead of redirecting the page. I think side bars also add to the easiness and overall appearance of the website.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, February 3

Tell me about your Sweetheart weekend. If you didn't go to Sweetheart, what did you do? I want details!

On Saturday morning I went to get my nails done with my friend Jordyn. After our short trip to the nail salon my mom picked me up to go shoe shopping at Macy's. It was four hours before the dance and I still didn't have shoes to wear. I ended up buying black heels with gold studs all around. Before we left Macy's my mom had to pick up makeup. It ended up that a girl at the Clinique counter wanted to do my makeup for me! It was a great surprise because I can't do my own makeup. A sort time later we were already at Kyoto's eating and then at the after party! It was a fun night with my date Ben and all of my friends even though I was sick.