Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday, January 21

Tell me about your three day weekend. How was it? What did you do? Elaborate!

This weekend I did more than I did all last year! On Friday I had soccer practice from eight to nine, which was horrible. On Saturday, I practiced the Freshman class dance and had a great time improving because i know none of the steps. Afterwards my friends and I went to go see Frozen for the third time! I know all the songs by heart so it was pretty entertaining. On Sunday I went dress shopping for Sweetheart and picked out the cutest dress; it was on sale! That night I watched a movie with Logan Lerman because I think he is really cute... On Monday my sister and I went shopping all day! After our shopping excursion we had to go to soccer pre-tryouts. We ran for two hours straight and it was possibly the most miserable time I've ever had. My weekend was very eventful and I hope I can have another weekend like it soon.

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